Professional Projects | Publications | Personal Projects

A high-performance, physically based renderer written in C++11 with a focus on state-of-the-art light transport, material models, and advanced production-quality features. Also used to explore renderer architecture ideas and concepts.

Developed 2011 to present. I continue to work on Takua in my free time as my primary personal hobby/research project.

My entry to Pixar's RenderMan "Lost Things" Art Challenge. Responsible for creating everything on top of base models provided by Pixar. My piece got an honorable mention.

Created in 2023. Done just for fun.

My entry to Pixar's RenderMan "NASA Exploration" Art Challenge. Responsible for creating everything on top of base models provided by NASA and Pixar. My piece got an honorable mention.

Created in 2022. Done mostly for fun but also as a vehicle for experimenting with RenderMan XPU.

My entry to Pixar's RenderMan "The Iconoclasts" Art Challenge. Responsible for creating everything on top of base models provided by Pixar. My piece got an honorable mention.

Created in 2021. Done mostly for fun but also as a vehicle for experimenting with new RenderMan 24 features and for learning to write RenderMan plugins.

My entry to Pixar's RenderMan "Magic Shop" Art Challenge. Responsible for creating everything on top of base models provided by Pixar. My piece won third place!

Created in 2020. Done mostly for fun but also as a vehicle for learning RenderMan, XGen, Substance Painter, and other tools.

My entry to Pixar's RenderMan "Shipshape" Art Challenge. Responsible for creating everything on top of base models provided by Pixar. My piece won first place!

Created in 2020. Done mostly for fun but also as a vehicle for learning RenderMan, Substance Painter, and other tools.

My entry to Pixar's RenderMan "Woodville" Art Challenge. Responsible for creating everything on top of base models provided by Pixar. My piece got an honorable mention.

Created in 2019. Done mostly for fun but also as a vehicle for learning RenderMan, Houdini, ZBrush, Substance Painter, and other tools.

An experimental fluid simulator written in C++11 from scratch, based on the popular PIC/FLIP fluid solver algorithm. Includes exact raycast-based fluid-solid boundary detection, meshing via OpenVDB, and Houdini integration via Partio.

Developed in 2013 and 2014. Originally written for a class final project, then expanded out of personal interest.

Prototype/experimental GPU pathtracer written in CUDA from scratch. Developed to explore the feasibility of building high performance physically based renderers on GPUs. This was before GPU pathtracing was very common!

Developed in 2012. Written for a class final project in collaboration with Peter Kutz.

A Semi-Lagrangian fluid simulator written in C++, capable of simulating multiple liquids with various properties interacting with an environment and each other. Based on the paper Multiple Interacting Liquids by Losasso et al.

Developed in 2012. Written for a class final project in collaboration with Dan Knowlton.

A Semi-Lagrangian smoke simulator and integrated volumetric renderer written in C++. The smoke simulator uses MAC-grid advection and a preconditioned conjugant gradient solver. The volume renderer is a simple raymarcher with blackbody emission and was written from scratch.

Developed in 2011 and 2012. Originally written for two classes and then extended out of personal interest.

A mass-spring damper system capable of simulating multiple interacting jello cubes, along with environment-jello interaction.

Developed in 2012. Originally written for a class project that only required a single jello cube interacting with a plane, and then heavily extended out of personal interest.

My old personal projects page can be found here.