"Encanto" - Let's Talk About Bruno's Visions
Corey Butler, Brent Burley, Wei-Feng Wayne Huang, Yining Karl Li, and Benjamin Huang
ACM SIGGRAPH 2022 Talks. Article No. 8

Creating the holographic look for Bruno’s visions required close collaboration between visdev, look, lighting, and technology.

In Walt Disney Animation Studios’ "Encanto", Mirabel discovers the remnants of her Uncle Bruno’s mysterious visions of the future. Developing the look and lighting for the emerald shards required close collaboration between our Visual Development, Look Development, Lighting, and Technology departments to create a holographic effect. With an innovative new teleporting holographic shader, we were able to bring a unique and unusual effect to the screen.

Text Reference

Corey Butler, Brent Burley, Wei-Feng Wayne Huang, Yining Karl Li, and Benjamin Huang. "Encanto" - Let's Talk About Bruno's Visions. ACM SIGGRAPH 2022 Talks. Article 8, Aug 2022.

Bibtex Reference

    author = {Butler, Corey and Burley, Brent and Huang, Wei-Feng Wayne and Li, Yining Karl and Huang, Benjamin},
    title = {"Encanto" - Let's Talk About Bruno's Visions},
    journal = {ACM SIGGRAPH 2022 Talks},
    month = aug,
    year = {2022},
    articleno = {8},
    doi = {10.1145/3532836.3536269},


We thank the Hyperion development team for supporting this project, the many artists at Walt Disney Animation Studios who tested this process, the leadership of Encanto for entrusting us with developing this effect, and our paper reviewers for providing invaluable comments and suggestions. Finally, we thank Leon Ingram for making the yellow/green teleport icon in our teaser image and presentation, and for helping us assemble and polish our presentation.

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